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Atmospheric Research

Scientific Instrumentation Ltd. has demonstrated a strong commitment to the scientific community through many years of involvement in upper atmospheric studies.

Growing concern over depletion of the earth's ozone layer has further stimulated this field of research. S.I.L. has designed and manufactured a variety of equipment

and systems to carry research instruments into the upper atmosphere to collect scientific data:

  • Sounding Rocket Payload, complete with all mechanical and electrical systems.
  • Consolidated Instrumentation Package - a micro-processor based airborne system to control all aspects of a research balloon flight.


sample ionogram

Scientific Instrumentation Ltd. has also assisted instruments used in the collection of atmospheric research data:

  • Ozone Spectrophotmeter used on rockets to takemeasurements in the 1.27 micron region.
  • Scanning Radiometer (4-14 micron), a micro-processor based instrument used by Environment Canada in balloon payloads for ozone research.
  • Ozonesonde Bench Tester used for pre-launch testing of ozonesondes.
  • Backscatter sonde used to measure volcanic aerosols.

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